The Races of Men in Warhammer Fantasy

The Races of Men in Warhammer Fantasy.

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The Races of Men in Warhammer Fantasy

The Races of Men

The Races of Man are one of the last of the intelligent races of the Warhammer Fantasy World to become ‘civilised’.

In spite of this they are now counted as one of the most advanced and populous races spread across the Earth and are the dominant intelligent race of the Warhammer World – a fact due in no small part to the decline of the Elven and Dwarf societies in more recent times.

The Races of Men whose habitat is known as the ‘Old World’ pay homage to the Imperial god Sigmar, and stoically resist the incessant Chaos forces sweeping down from the Northern Wastes into their region of the Warhammer Fantasy World.

Paradoxically the Race of Men have proven to be relatively easy to corrupt in their desire to receive ‘the gift of Chaos’, and in fact it is the Race of Men’s dominance on the Warhammer World that has shaped the Realms of Chaos and much of the form the Chaos Gods currently take – in reality these ‘Chaos Gods’ are likely just psychic manifestations of the collective psyches of all the intelligent species of the Warhammer Galaxy.

Compared to the Elven Races, the Races of Men have only just begun the evolutionary path into a race that can truly harness the Winds of Magic. At this stage of the Warhammer World’s timeline relatively few amongst the Races of Men possess the necessary genetic mutation that enables them to become wizards; though this number appears to increase as the centuries pass. Instead the majority of aspiring wizards find themself lacking the mental discipline to prevent them-selves from becoming “daemon hosts” and have yet to develop the capability to access all the Winds of Magic powers simultaneously, a skill known to have been attained by the highest of the Elven Archmagi.


The Realms of Men

The Realms of Men located in the Warhammer Fantasy World include (but are not limited to):


Albion is an island surrounded by mist and fog. It is home to the mysterious Ogham Stones and tribal, woad-wearing human barbarians.


Araby is a desert nation that lies to the west of the Land of the Dead in the Southlands and is comprised of both highly sophisticated commercial urban centres and tribes of desert nomads.


Though the continent-spanning empire of the Lizardmen encompasses all the jungles of Lustria, these reptiles are not the only intelligent beings that dwell there. Although the accounts that return from explorers to that region are often contradictory and generally dismissed as nonsense, it does seem reasonable to conclude at least two distinctive Races of Men also live in and around the jungles of Lustria.

The first appears to be a race of diminutive in stature, copper-skinned tribesmen akin to the Halflings of the Empires Moot, barbaric in culture known as the Pygmies.

The second is a warrior nation known as the Amazons, who live on an island in the centre of the great river Amaxon that penetrates the heart of Lustria. The island is heavily overgrown with vines and brush that make it difficult to view the interior of the island, save for the pyramidal ruins that can be seen over the treetops. The Amazons are fierce hunters that stalk Skinks and game in the surrounding swamps. They use the hides of Skinks for clothes and it should therefore come as no surprise that the Amazons and the Lizardmen are bitter enemies. In addition they clothe themselves with animal skins of the forest and wear plumes of exotic tropical birds for headdresses.

The Amazons defend their island vigorously and bravely. They despise men, so often encountering them as would be conquerors or tricksters. Any man they find lost, or wounded in the jungle ends up being sacrificed to their savage gods. From time to time though, they will venture forth into the ruins in search of more ancient Slann artefacts that they know still lie in the long-forgotten tunnels and caves. It is these artefacts that they use as weapons to defend their island.


Bretonnia is the human kingdom located directly west of the Empire whose people are ethnically related to the nomadic tribes of Men that founded the Empire. Bretonnia is the Empire’s chief military rival, and the knights that comprise its heavy cavalry remain the best in the Old World.


Cathay is the largest nation of the Eastern Lands on the far eastern edge of the Old World’s continent. Like the people of the Old World, the Cathayan’s are in constant conflict with the mortal and daemonic servants of the ruinous powers of the Chaos Wastes. Other enemies the Cathayan’s deal with on a regular basis are the Hob-Goblin wolf riders living out on the Eastern Steppes where they are ruled over by the Khans. So regular are raids by the Hob-Goblins the Cathayan’s have found it prudent to erect a great bastion the length of their border with the Eastern Steppes.

The Empire

The Empire was founded some 2,500 years ago, by Sigmar Heldenhammer. Originally the Empire was little more than a series of unified nomadic tribes settled in a common geographical region; in time the territories of the tribes unified by Sigmar came to be imperial provinces. Following the passing of Sigmar, a system of either hereditary or nominated Electors was established, with the provincial rulers entitled to elect a new Emperor from amongst them-selves.

The Empire is not a centralised nation, but rather a feudal confederacy of 11 large and semi-independent provinces, bound together by common interests, history, language, religion, and culture.

The Empire is proclaimed as the mightiest nation of the Old World – although in reality it is also a corrupt and sometimes unjust human society where many have succumbed to the ruinous powers of Chaos. The Empire benefits from a great diversity of military units and the various orders of wizards who comprise the Colleges of Magic, and it is the home of the Cult of Sigmar.

The Border Princes

The Border Princes is a natural destiny for emigrating peasants and nobles alike – all seeking a better life than they had in the Old World (most come from The Empire while others come from Tilea and Bretonnia). Many are political or religious refugees, but the Border Princes region is also the natural destiny for military deserters or criminals on the run.

Before the races of men arrived the Border Princes region was mainly inhabited by Orcs – now the land is fiercely disputed by the hardy human colonists and the Orc and Goblin tribes. The Border Princes is divided into small kingdoms, principalities, and independent city-states, although some are little more than fortified villages. All are targets of regular Orc raids and maintain standing armies (of varying sizes, or employ mercenaries from Tilea and farther abroad) and shelter behind fortified walls in times of trouble.

The colonist populations are concentrated more to the north-west of the Border Princes region while the Orc tribes remain dominant in the south-east (although it should be noted some Orc and Goblin tribes remain in the North – typically in hard-to-reach places like dense forests and mountain plateaus despite efforts by the Border Prince armies to drive them out).

And in the centre of the whole region lies Barak Varr, the great seaport of the Dwarfs at the top of the Black Gulf flowed into by the river’s Treblecz, Skull, Stacnek, Blood and Howling. Another notable geographical feature is the Old Silk Road running from the Apuccini Mountains, skirting along the Black Gulf, through Barak Varr across to Black Crag and over the World’s Edge Mountains.


Estalia is a peninsula southwest of Bretonnia in the Old World, far from the threat of Chaos. This land is home to a number of rival Estalian kingdoms. Estalia was once occupied by forces from Araby, but the Arabyan’s were only driven out by a combined effort known as the Arabyan Crusades by other Old World human realms like Bretonnia, the Empire and the Tilean city-states.


Khuresh (or more correctly – the Hinterlands of Khuresh) is in the Far East of the Warhammer World.

Kingdoms of Indhya

Ind is an eastern nation southwest of Cathay and west of the Ogre Kingdoms composed of many different competing kingdoms.


Kislev is a northern nation and an ally of the Empire that lies under constant threat due to its close proximity to the northern Chaos Wastes and the maddening Realm of Chaos.


The Empire of Nippon is the easternmost of the Realms of Men, and is a group of islands off the eastern coast of Cathay – ruled over by feudal warlords.


South of the Irrana Mountains and the Vaults in the Old World, the fractious city-states of the peninsula of Tilea embrace trade, exploration and civil war with equal passion. Mercenary companies form the bulk of the armies that see combat in these lands, often fighting on behalf of the wealthy rulers of the many Tilean republics and principalities or further north in the service of the Empire.


Marienburg – or the Wasteland as it is generally referred to, is a low-lying land at the north-western edge of the Empire that lies at the mouth of the River Reik, and is one of the largest cities and commercial centres of the Old World. This realm was once a province of the Empire, when it was referred to as the province of Westerland – but seceded from the grip of Altdorf several centuries ago and remains fiercely independent.

Soon after Marienburg’s separation, the common folk of the Empire took to referring to this notoriously marshy region as the Wasteland.


The Norse are great sea borne race of explorers, traders, reavers and slavers who have almost certainly travelled to and explored all the distant lands of the Warhammer World, they are known to have built and maintain port colonies in Lustria (Skeggi)- and likely other lands such as Araby, Khuresh and the Southlands.

The Norse live in a structured society, where those of noble birth are known as ‘Jarls’; whereas the chieftains are referred as ‘Jerg’. A Jerg may have one or more Jarls under his jurisdiction. In Norse society the highest tribal rank is King. And the High King is the leader of the Norscan Realm – who is usually drawn from one of the bigger or more powerful tribes.

Northern Chaos Wastes

Typically referred to simply as ‘the Northmen’, this Race of Men is a loose collection of tribes from three separate ethnic groups which are drawn to inhabit the Northern Chaos Wastes. These separate groups are namely the Hung, the Kurgan and some of the Northern Tribes of Norsca – collectively referred to as the Chaos Marauder tribes. A mountain range between Norsca and the Chaos Wastes separates the two realms.

Although technically a Race of Men still, many of these Chaos Marauder tribesmen have been so mutated and corrupted by the constant influence of the Chaos Gods (often referred to as ‘the ruinous powers’) that they can no longer be compared to the more civilised Men of the southern continents of the Warhammer World, not physically or in any other way.

Their frequent raids into the southern realms of men are due (at least in part) to the harsh environment and lack of resources of their native land – the Chaos Wastes. So the Northmen constantly raid the more prosperous regions of the Old World and as far South as Cathay for slaves and any other resources they can carry away.

Many in the Old World (post raid) are left to speculate as to why the Chaos Marauders always return to such a desolate and vastly barren environment as the Northern Chaos Wastes, but the truth of things in the desolate northern wastelands is not as simple as it may seem to those living in the south. The Chaos Marauders are ultimately minions of the Chaos Gods and their daemonic servants and will always return to their master’s domain.

The Southlands

The Southlands lie south of the Land of the Dead and are dominated by dense swamplands and rain forest. The southlands are inhabited by Lizardmen, savage Orcs and forest Goblins, and tribes of what Old World adventurers and explorers refer to as the ‘Dark Men’.

Lizardmen are the primary power in the Southlands and have five temple-cities, though one was ruined. Due to centuries of separation from their Lustrian kin the spawning of Saurus have become rare and Skinks dominate in both civil life and warfare.

Similar in climate and culture to Lustria, the Southlands remain less explored by Man or Elves, although of note is that the Southlands are believed to be the original homeland of the Dwarfs, where they began as simple cave dwellers using crude stone tools, before following the chain of mined riches up the mountain chain towards the north. Indeed the “Lost Hold” of the Dwarfs, Karak Zorn, is said to be located somewhere in the mountains of the Southlands.

When the Skaven Clan Pestilens ravaged Lustria, they were driven out by Sotek and they migrated to the Southlands. Sotek also took action against them here by sending jungle swarms to destroy the clan.

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How the Warhammer World began…

How the Warhammer World began….

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How the Warhammer World began…

In the Beginning

Creation of the Lizardmen

The creators of the Lizardmen nation were an interstellar race known only as the Old Ones, these beings were known to possess immeasurable power and intellect – they were able to twist the very fabric of time and space at will. They could summon energies they used in the form of magical spells.

Travelling in mighty silver ships they could travel great distances in seconds, one day they touched down on the Warhammer world – bringing with them their servants and slave races.

Of these servants – most favoured were the Slann, who also possessed considerable abilities of mind in their own right. The Slann were gifted creators, also able to manipulate matter, time and space – with the aid of their interstellar masters.

And so it came to pass that the Slann implemented the designs of the Old Ones – building two immense structures that hung (like moons) over the Northern and Southern Poles. These structures, known simply as ‘the gateways,’ allowed the Old Ones travel through space instantly utilising rifts in space to innumerable worlds and other dimensions.

The World before the arrival of the Old Ones

Before the arrival of the Old Ones the Warhammer World had been a primitive land inhabited by unevolved life forms. A place of harsh extremes in climate, ice covered much of the land masses, blizzards and storms raged unchecked, in other area’s volcanoes poured hot lava and poisonous ash choked the air.

In other area’s humid jungles teemed with life, and here the Lizardmen can be found in their original form –building cities and growing in population long before the appearance of Elves and Dwarves.

However after the arrival of the Old Ones the Warhammer World was changed forever.

The World after the arrival of the Old Ones

Initially the Warhammer Planet was moved closer to the solar systems sun, its orbit was altered and its axis shifted to develop a warmer climate and more like the Old Ones natural habitat.

Plants and life forms of a greater variety were introduced; the single continent was split into smaller continents and islands. They diversified the make-up of the animals and plants on the newly separated continents, altering and\or enhancing the fundamental chemistry and physiological construct of life forms as they saw fit.

In the landmass known as Lustria the Old Ones took up residence as the heavy jungle climate was most like their home planet. A series of cities were erected in Lustria but also in the Southlands and Cathay – at that stage of the Warhammer World’s evolution all continents were significantly more humid and wet than they may be now. Communication and travel between the different continents was instant for the Old Ones and their Slann servants (although perhaps not quite so easily for the Slann).

In time the Saurus were created – intended as a warrior breed to act as directed to subdue any continent the Old Ones desired dominion over, and also guard the temple-cities erected by the Old Ones and to protect their Slann servants in these temples. Soon the Saurus were carrying out the will of the Old Ones invading nearby regions – exterminating any in their path.

Next created were the Skinks, useful for their dexterity and quick witted intelligence, they were used to tend to daily Temple-City activities in support of the Slann and to tend to the new races the Old Ones created as part of their master plan.

For many millennia the Lizardmen race was the dominant race in the Warhammer World. Their numbers were uncountable, their technology far advanced to any other race and their use of magic without equal – to the Old Ones magic and technology were one and the same.

Fall of the old Ones

Nurturing of new races

The Old Ones continued to encourage growth of the new races they had introduced to the Warhammer World – the Old Ones not affected by the passing of time watched unaffected as the world evolved according to their plans. They saw to it ancestors of the now prevalent races learnt to manipulate magical energy and developed civilisations of their own.

But in this time of the Warhammer Worlds founding and great catastrophe was just around the corner. The very strength of the Old Ones, their use of the pure essence of magical energy – which if not controlled could be completely destructive – the magical energy which would later come to be known as Chaos.

Unstable Gateways

And so it would seem even the Old Ones could not maintain constant control over this destructive magical energy, and a struggle for control between them and the pure energy pouring out of the inter-dimension gateways built in the skies over the Northern and Southern poles. The rampant Chaos magical energy flowing uncontrolled over the Warhammer World from these Gateways caused irreparable damage to all manner of life caught in the path.

Slowly it seemed the old Ones were regaining control of the pure energy and many attempts were made to close the Gateways – but none were successful. In a sudden explosion of darkness the Gateways imploded on themselves – their usefulness ended in seconds. It’s unknown if this was an intentional attempt by the Old Ones to stop the Chaos energy or if the sheer pressure was too much for them to contain. Regardless, shards of the Gateways were strewn across the Warhammer World – falling like great fiery comets down into the landmass, causing secondary damage to the very continent plates, prompting new volcanoes to sprout into life, earthquakes and raging tidal waves.

Huge amounts of raw Chaos energy coalesced in the shape of a new malignant moon in the sky. Magical energy rolled across the landmasses – destroying many of the Lizardmen civilisations. The very fabric of all living things on the Warhammer World were touched as the actual fabric of reality was distorted by this sudden release of Chaotic magical energy into the worlds atmosphere. All manner of demonic creatures poured forth from the holes where the holes in the North and South poles where the Gateways had once been, raw magical energy flowed from the holes washing over the natural world in tides.

Chaotic Battle

The Saurus armies of the Lizardmen rose to battle the Chaos creatures in huge conflicts involving millions with just as many slain – but to no avail, the Chaos demons and their minions were endless.

With the destruction of the warp gateways the Old Ones departed the Warhammer world, leaving the Slann and their Saurus armies to their fate. Speculation remains as to the actual disappearance of the Old Ones – whether they perished in the Chaos onslaught or whether they left in their great interstellar ships.

Children of the Gods

The Slann, still coming to terms with the sudden exodus of the Old Ones and the destruction worldwide after the collapse of the warp gateways – their use of magic became increasingly difficult to manage; the waves of chaos energy emanating from the poles disrupted the Slann Mages and in many cases destroyed them. Those that survived struggled to set up protective barriers to hold back the tide of Chaos energy. They knew if left unchecked the world would be engulfed and eventually destroyed.

They tried to re-enable the shattered gates – frantically searching for shards of the gateways around the world. During their tireless search more barriers to hold back Chaos were erected – particularly in Lustria, the jungles of the Southlands and also along the islands circling the Southern pole.

And so it was the Slann came to be protectors of the Warhammer World, as their numbers dwindled they retreated further and further into the jungles of Lustria – eventually struggling even to hold back Chaos from their Temple-Cities. Ultimately it was all they could do to retain dominion over their own nation – leaving the rest of the Warhammer World to fend for itself.

In the wake of the Old Ones

The Vortex

As all seemed lost for the Warhammer World, hope arose in an unexpected quarter, the Elven island of Ulthuan like every other landmass was fighting back an endless tide of Chaos Daemons and their minions when the Elven Mages created a powerful vortex which sucked the bulk of the Chaos magical winds in a huge electrical storm. Without the Chaos energy flowing unchecked across the Warhammer World the Daemons and their beasts of war dissipated unable to hold their form.

The Elves had originally been introduced to the use of magic by the Old Ones and their servants the Slann, in time they had proved skilful in their control of the magic without succumbing to the corrupting influence of Chaos. In creating the vortex many Eleven Mages had sacrificed themself to an eternity of torment – such was the cost to check the winds of Chaos before the Warhammer World was consumed.

The Guardians of the Warhammer World

The Lizardmen are the most ancient race on the Warhammer World, they were created by the mysterious beings known as ‘the Old Ones’ to be the guardians of the Warhammer World.

Their ancient civilisation is based predominantly deep within the jungles of Lustria – but also the jungles of the Southlands, it is in Lustria where their huge temple-cities rise amid ancient trees and swamps. Bloated Slann Mage priests – the original servants of the old ones are masters of magic and they oversee the entire civilisations – ever guiding and directing the Lizardmen activities.

The core of the Lizardmen armies is the Saurus who are large reptilian warriors – spawned solely for the purpose of war. The Saurus are considered holy warriors of the Lizard Gods and each site of the Lizardmen Temple-City will have an army of Saurus warriors in slumber beneath – ready to be summoned for war by the Slann Priests.

The Saurus are supported masses of Skinks that harass the enemy with blowpipe and javelin. Saurus also ride the powerful but stupid ‘cold ones’ and form devastating mounted units. Other powerful creatures such as the fire-breathing Salamanders, Kroxigor and Stegadon’s also form the armies of the Lizardmen – directed to battle by the Slann and left to allow their aggressive tendencies to drive them into the heart of the enemy and wreak carnage.

Departure of the Old Ones

Once servants of the Old Ones, the Lizardmen are left stranded with no guidance from their creator-gods, in their absence the Slann Mage-Priests continue to work on interpreting the Masters great plans for the Warhammer World. They work to restore order as it was before the Chaos winds of magic came flooding down from where the gateways once were into the world.

The master plan however has become somewhat blurred and subject to interpretation. The Slann struggle to reclaim their former dominance over the Warhammer World, the fledgling races once nurtured into independence now dally with forces far beyond their comprehension – let alone their control. The Warhammer World before the departure of the Old Ones was one of order and stability, and it is this the Slann Mage-Priests strive for again. Operating with a cold Reptilian\Alien indifference, the Slann Mage-Priests direct the Saurus and their other bests of war against any and all who stand in the way of the fulfilment of this plan.

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Wako Pirates of Nippon

Wako Pirates of Nippon.

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Wako Pirates of Nippon

Wako Pirates

One of the first accounts of Nipponese pirates came from the Samurai poet ‘Ki no Tsurayuki’ who describes precautions taken by the captain of his ship as he travelled the Nippon Seas. Pirates have long plagued the coast of Nippon, striking quickly against lone ships or coastal villages before retreating back out to sea and their hidden bases amongst small islands within view of the Nippon mainland islands.

Wako raiding parties vary in size from small bands of men to four or five thousand Waku Clan warriors. The average Waku pirate boat carries a crew of 200 men. Typical booty sought by the Wako pirates began with attacks on Koreyo granaries, but soon progressed to richer bounties on offer in Cathay where the Wako pirates seek silk and precious jewels or gold or copper – or ideally, captives, which can be sold as slaves or held for ransom.

Wako are men who have forsaken the code of bushido for a life of plunder and piracy, they may be joined by peasants who find themselves tired of the treatment of their lords. Some successful Wako pirates become so called “sea lords”, and even start small clans of their own, seizing islands as their fiefdoms and ruling them through their own clan structures. They extort tolls from passing ships for “protection” if they are feeling friendly or simply take what they want when the opportunity arises.

The Wako prowl the Nipponese coast and some inland waterways, occasionally venturing out to open sea in the hope of way-laying a Cathayan, Koreyo or Old World trading ship (they are unlikely to seek engagement with a well armed Old World flotilla – unless the odds are well in their favour). Sometimes they even conduct raids on the Nippon mainland islands, carrying off valuables and people to ransom. They sail in black boats – similar in appearance to Cathayan junks and are ruthless and well versed fighters, expert in combat at sea and the boarding of other boats. Their bases are islands or hidden ports where they can hide from justice and the admiral of the Shogun’s fleet.

These reavers and their swift craft lurk in isolated coves and remote islands along the rocky coast and swoop down on rich merchants and unsuspecting Kobune. Wako are often little better than thieves and prey upon coastal trade mercilessly. Strangely, they never prey on the fishing boats, which are perhaps just too poor to whet a pirate’s appetite. But then many a quiet fishing village holds darker secrets, and the nimble boats catch more than fish when the opportunity allows. When crushed by taxes, it is very tempting to take the riches that sail by, and some peasant fishermen turn pirate when the need takes them.

Piracy grew during periods when Cathay and Koreyo closed their ports to foreign trade. The Kotsuna clan who control several ports in their province are involved in maritime trade and make no distinction between piracy and legitimate trade. Indeed generations of Nipponese Clans have augmented their income through the lucrative practice of piracy.

The Nipponese ability to deal with their pirate problem was hindered by the Clan War and the lack of a strong central government. The Cathayan’s, who have on the receiving end of many Wako depredations, continually demanded that the Nipponese deal with the pirates, but each solution only seemed to halt them for a while. Attacks on known Wako ports, mass beheadings and even bans on foreign trade did not seem to make much difference to the Wako.

The Wako pirate clans were of such concern during their peak – a Koreyo invasion force of some 200 boats and 17,000 troops attempted to eradicate the Wako Clans, but they were simply evaded by the lighter pirate boats and harassed from the rear until they were forced to retire from the engagement.

However, with the reinstatement of a new Shogun, the Wako threat has been diminished somewhat of late. By forbidding peasants from owning weapons, fewer are able to become Wako, and thus the threat has lowered, if not disappeared. While Samurai generally hate the Wako with a passion, some Clans have seen the advantages of hiring them as mercenaries in their armies. With the promise of an Imperial pardon and a share of the enemy loot, plenty of Wako take up these offers, knowing most Daimyo are bound by their honour to make good on their promises.

In battle the Wako will typically sail around the flanks of the enemy fleet where they can strike unsuspecting enemy boats in the rear as the battle rages on. Wearing little to no armour and armed with swords and bows, the Wako can be a large threat if not countered in time.

After the battle, the Wako take their time to plunder the enemy corpses before disappearing back to their ships, with many disgruntled looks from the Samurai. Still it’s a low price to pay for being able to hire some of the most feared sea farers this side of the world.

Origins of the Wako Pirate Clans

The true ethnic identity of the Wako is subject to some debate, with various theories about the ethnic makeup and national origin of the Nipponese pirates.

Many notable scholars insist that early Wako pirates were from Koreyo, in the archives of the Joseon Dynasty, Koreyo historian Sejong Sillok wrote, “I hear that in the late period of the first Koreyo Dynasty, Wako were roaming over this land Joseon and peasants could not stand against them. However, even though only 1 or 2 out of 10 incidents were caused by real Nipponese pirates, some of our peasants chose to emulate the clothes of Nippon Samurai, formed a group and caused trouble… in order to stop all evils, there is nothing more urgent than Hopae (a Koreyo word meaning ‘personal identification’).However, Lee did not live during the Koreyo Dynasty, and was likely relating rumour or legend as opposed to solid documented evidence. Moreover, the main body of Lee’s record concentrates on how national security was deteriorating and how it required special attention; it is possible he made use of unreliable information to support his point. Lee’s assertion is therefore not highly valued as an authentic source on Wako by other scholars.

Some early Koreyo records also indicate that less than 1% of reported Wako incidents were non-Nipponese in origin. Whereas in Cathay, by contrast, 100% of ships recorded as pirate boats were captained by Cathayan pirates. One Cathayan source states that none of the early Wako are believed to be actually Nipponese, rather they were Southern Cathayan and a mixture of other foreigners with whom the Cathay Empire traded.

In Nippon the accepted ‘Origins of the Wako’ record extolled by revered scholar\Samurai – Shōsuke Murai, is that ‘the early Wako came from diverse ethnic groups rather than one singular realm’. Murai claims the Wako were “marginal men” living in unstable geographic areas without allegiance to any particular realm. Supporters of this theory point out that one of the early Wako Clan leaders, Ajibaldo, has been variously claimed by scholars to be of equal parts Eastern Steppe, Koreyo and Nipponese descent – his name is apparently of Koreyo and Eastern Steppe in origin. Wako pirate activity increased to notoriety during the Warring Clans period, when the Imperial Nipponese fleet was unable to administer its ports effectively.

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Armies of Nippon

Way of the Warrior

The Warriors of Nippon have a strict code which they live by. Anyone breaking this code is forever shamed and cast out of society. Consequently, the warriors of Nippon fight with seemingly unmatched determinism and valour.

Kenjutsu is the art of sword fighting practiced by the Samurai of Nippon. This allows each warrior to quickly follow up a successful attack with another, ideally overpowering their foes in a flurry of fast swings. When a Samurai is defeated in battle, thus dishonouring himself, he may choose to perform seppuku on the battlefield to cleanse himself of his shame, or to avoid being captured as a prisoner.


To a Samurai there is no weapon so revered as the Katana. Three to four feet in length and slightly curved, the Katana is a triumph of design, the midpoint between artistry and craftsmanship. Specially forged so that the blade is hard and the inside is soft, the Katana combines a devastating cutting edge with enough flexibility so as to not shatter when cutting into armour or bone.

While the wakizashi may only be worn by those of the Samurai caste, only warriors carry the Katana. Families pass the swords down through generations; carrying a famous Katana is an honour and pledge. A Katana is not only a weapon of war; it is an expression of the soul of its bearer.


Sashimono are small banners worn by Nipponese soldiers for identification during battles. The sashimono are usually fitted to the backs of Ashigaru, Samurai, and in special holders on the horses of some cavalry soldiers.

Horo Cloaks

Horo Cloaks are stiffened cloaks fashioned of finely woven silk and wrapped around the body. Their primary purpose is to improve the visibility of the wearer on the battlefield, but they also serve as arrow catchers.


The Daimyo are the feudal lords of Nippon, outranked only by the Shogun and the Imperial family. Daimyo have almost total autonomy in the day-to of their territory, and it is therefore unsurprising that civil strife is common as Daimyo fight over resources and pursue personal vendettas. Though Daimyo follow the ‘Way of the Warrior’ like all Samurai, Daimyo tend to be more pragmatic about its application as they involve themselves in the politics of the Empire.

Although the Emperor owns all land within the borders of the Empire, he has granted members class the honour of protecting and overseeing his affairs, acting as his stewards over the vast majority of land in the Empire. Samurai that have oversight of a particular area are granted the title “Daimyo” and given permission to swear other Samurai into their service.

Rather than serving the Emperor directly, a Daimyo of this sort is usually appointed by and subordinate to the reigning Daimyo of the family or clan that controls the province within which his land falls. The primary responsibilities of a Daimyo of this sort are protecting his assigned territory and ensuring that the proper taxes are collected for the Emperor. In order to fulfil these responsibilities he is allowed to take a portion of the rice and other goods produced in his province in order to equip and maintain Samurai sworn to his service.

Each family recognized by the Emperor has a designated leader who is Daimyo of that family. Family Daimyo are the highest authority within their own family, although they are subordinate to the Daimyo of their clan. Family Daimyo are also the honorary heads of their family’s schools. The actual duties of running the schools are often delegated to someone more inclined to teaching, or in the case of families with multiple schools, someone who is more familiar with the lessons. Nevertheless, for any matter that would require the attention of the head of the school, the family Daimyo’s approval would be required, whether or not he has an active hand in the school’s day to day affairs.

The leader of a clan, whether a Great or Minor clan, is also given the title Daimyo, although they are more often referred to as the Champion of the clan. The clan Daimyo are generally also the Daimyo of their family within the clan. The clan Daimyo are the most powerful in the Empire, second only to the Emperor and Shogun, in both political and military might. Taisho is a military rank similar to a captain. A Taisho will have many Chui and their units serving beneath him, and reports directly to the Daimyo, who command the force in which the Taisho serves.


Most armies keep at least one Shugenja on hand, both as a potent weapon against the enemy and to call upon the blessings of the Fortunes for the battles ahead.

Once the battle is done, they give thanks to the Kami and purify the taint of blood and dead flesh that inevitably stains a victorious army. Shugenja stand out as the one exception to the Samurai’s usual aversion to surrender. As servants of the Kami, they are always treated with respect and offered the option of being taken prisoner when possible. Most Shugenja realize how rare and precious their gift is, and how wrong it would be to deny the clan their gifts, and accept the offer even if the idea of being held hostage is otherwise intolerable.

Magic in Nippon, is not simply a Shugenja bending the elements to her will, magic underlies all activities: the bird taking flight, and the Sun rising each morning. Man too comes from the confluence this magic projected in the blood and tears of the first Moon and Sun mixing together to create something new. Magic spirits dwell everywhere, simply waiting to be called upon. In a more common definition, however, magic is the art of Shugenja, and even the monk’s kiho. While the average Nipponese understands that magic surrounds them every day, it is still a holy practice, and something to be looked upon with wonder. Shugenja, the most common practitioners of magic, bring with their vocation the blessings of the Kami upon the Empire.

The Samurai caste holds the keys to the magic realm, proof that the greatest blessings of the Sun and Moon are reserved for the nobility. Occasionally, peasants have a strong affinity for the Kami and in all but the rarest cases this is the same inner path that the monks follow. The peasant then goes on to study among the peaceful Brotherhood of Shinsel. Peasants who show true magical affinity are quickly granted Samurai status and trained as Shugenja.

As a force, magic represents a tool and a blessing as a genuine gift from the Heavens. With the power of magic, a Shugenja can purify foul water, tell truth from fiction, hurl fire into their enemies, and convene with the wisdom of the Celestial Heavens. This immense power commands respect both for the Shugenja who wields it, and for the Kami who provide such strength. Shugenja do more than simply cast spells. They are the priests of the Kami, their very power a testament to the wisdom and truth of their beliefs. Shugenja record and keep the names of the Fortunes, act as intermediary between the world of mortals and spirits, and carry the wisdom set down by the Celestial Heavens. Though not the official keepers of the Tao of Shinsei, a duty held by the Brotherhood of Shinsei monks, almost all Shugenja are familiar with the text, and view it as a valuable guide to life.

Shugenja bless villages many times during a year, to help bring about a greater harvest, healthier livestock, and protect the village against threats both mortal and supernatural. They also commune with spirits of the dead, creating a link between the living and the ancestors of the family. Such a duty falls to them as both a great honour and a staggering burden. as many souls of the dead are troubled with unfinished business, and will seek a Shugenja’s aid for their wisdom. Shugenja tend be peaceful men. While most clans have their Shugenja trained for war and capable of casting impressive battle magic, the path of the Fortunes and Kami impresses a Shugenja with a strong reverence for life in all its forms. Shugenja believe life is a gift, and should never be squandered for any reason.


Those Samurai that distinguish themselves on the battlefield become part of a Clan’s inner circle in the form of Hatamoto.

A Hatamoto, or honoured retainer, is the official representative of the family name. It is the chief aid and advisor to a Daimyo. The position commands great respect and influence, as the Daimyo has chosen the individual for When a Daimyo travels, it is common for the Hatamoto to be left in charge of the Daimyo’s estate. To be a Hatamoto means his lord regards his advice highly, and the title is so that all will know he is one of his favoured subjects. Sometimes the title brings with it a certain amount of land, where the Hatamoto is expected to live and continue in the service of their lord. Hatamoto are similar to military titles, in the way that they bring great responsibility and glory.

In the absence of his lord he can speak with authority on his behalf, and even to agree minor contracts and negotiations for their family. Many of the Hatamoto spend their time perfecting their fighting skills and cultivating a full range of meditative and artistic disciplines, and many Hatamoto have brought honour to their clan as poets or painters. One of the first recorded Hatamoto in history was Mirumoto, who became the Hatamoto of the Kami Togashi. Around this time was also the founding of the Shiba Yojimbo School, which was inspired by the Kami Shiba kneeling before Isawa and pledging to protect the Shugenja and his tribe.

The main duty of the Hatamoto on the battlefield is to protect important members or allies who were not expected to always defend themselves. People such as courtiers and Shugenja were most commonly not only trained in the sword, and as such would require someone to protect them. In the case of duels of honour, a Hatamoto can often be someone’s designated champion, although this is not necessarily always the case. At other times, the Hatamoto is usually assigned to carry his lord’s banner into battle as his personal champion. These glorious standards are rich in colour and highly detailed, made from the finest silk available. The Hatamoto takes this honour very seriously, and would rather die than see it fall into enemy hands. Above else, the Hatamoto acts as the Daimyo’s bodyguard, both on the battlefield and in the castle.

The Hatamoto take his given task extremely serious, for to them there is no greater shame than failure. Failure to protect the one they have sworn means their life is forfeit, and there is no other solution than to take one’s own life, for a life in shame is completely unthinkable to them.

Samurai Caste

The Samurai assume the highest rank of the Nipponese social system, as decreed by the Celestial Order. The word “Samurai” means “those who serve” were born in this caste and were considered Samurai regardless of their occupation. The Samurai warriors make up the bulk of Nippon’s armies. Greatly skilled with both sword and bow, and wearing heavy armour, often with accompanying battle masks, these fearsome fighters are a match for any opponent.

The Samurai wield a variety of equipment in battle, and can adapt to any situation. They represent the height of human martial prowess, and fight according to a strict code of honour, displaying fanatical bravery and loyalty on the battlefield. Unlike Old World nobles, Samurai tend to live frugal lives with little interest in riches and material things, but rather in honour and pride, though as privileged persons in society much of their needs are supplied, and respect and honour fearfully enforced. Samurai are expected to not only be great warriors but to be well versed in more classical arts such as calligraphy, mathematics, and song and dance.

However, it is often the case that these pursuits are overlooked. Though it is their duty to wear the Daisho and lead troops into combat, Samurai are more than mere warriors. They are direct vassals of the Emperor, the ruling class of the Empire. The Kuge and Buke classes enforce the law of the Emperor, and hold domain over the lesser classes. Samurai are professional warriors, members of the noble class who are trained in the arts of warfare. They are not only trained for their role in society, they are born for it – born into a system of allegiance, loyalty, and honour that influences every stage of their lives. A Samurai’s loyalty to the emperor and his local feudal lord is unsurpassed, and a Samurai that becomes master-less either from the ruin or fall of his master, after the loss of his master’s favour or privilege, or otherwise through his own will becomes a ROnin outcast mercenary for hire.

A Samurai’s first responsibility is obedience to his Lord, usually the head of his family. This is simultaneously an endless source of adventures and a potential hindrance to a life of adventure. A low-level Samurai’s lord may command him to investigate a mysterious occurrence or subdue a gang of bandits. If he performs these duties well, his lord will call on him to deal with more significant problems. However, a Samurai usually cannot simply disappear on an expedition without his lord’s command or at least permission, and if a Samurai’s lord has an important mission for him, he must make that his top priority.

Samurai are distinguished from ordinary fighters by their adherence to bushido, a code of honour, loyalty, and obedience. To a Samurai, dishonour is worse than death, and the loss of his swords is possibly the worst dishonour imaginable. Bushido, the code of the Samurai, demands strict obedience to standards of behaviour and honour. Samurai learn their combat techniques and the principles of bushido in established, well-organised schools. The only measure of a Samurai that matters is living life in strict accordance with the code of bushido. This ancient code was established during the dawn of the Empire, and although the interpretation of the individual virtues it describes has changed from time to time, the code itself has endured the centuries virtually unchanged.

Mounted Samurai

Cavalry warfare is traditionally the preserve of the Samurai. Only they have the skill to wield a sword while steering a horse into battle. Being a mounted warrior requires wealth and position to sustain the expense of horses, armour and servants. Despite the fact that most Samurai go about their business mounted, generally merely as a sign of their station, only a very few have truly perfected the art of war from horseback.

The mounted Samurai are truly deadly warriors and the scourge of any commander foolish enough to incur the wrath of a Nipponese army. They eschew the heavy plate armour and cumbersome barding favoured by the knights of the Old World in favour of increased speed and flexibility. They attack in combination with infantry, using their excellent horsemanship to outmanoeuvre and strike the enemy from multiple directions at once.

Bows, spears and Katana are all used from horseback and, if a Samurai is wealthy enough, he usually has an assistant to carry and hand him his weapons as needed. The Katana, although traditionally used with two hands, can still be effective when used in a one-handed grip by a horseman. Swung downwards onto an enemy foot soldier, the sharp, curved blade could easily cut through a man. Samurai Cavalry are swift, and can deliver a devastating charge thanks to their spears, which they focus all the power of their fearsome charge into the points of as they smash into enemy cavalry and infantry alike. Samurai cavalry are extremely well trained and the weight of their steeds adds to the power of their charge.

Their speed over a battleground comes in useful when chasing down fleeing troops, or when they are needed to deliver a final blow to wavering enemies. After a charge, they remain mounted and can engage the enemy with their Katana keeping a height advantage over foot soldiers. Samurai Cavalry demoralise, harass, and cut down the enemy ahead of the foot soldiers. Units of specially trained mounted Samurai are also famous for running daring night time raids on enemy camps and fortifications, using their lightly armoured horses to cross rivers and move quickly through woods and mountains, before striking at the flank unprepared enemy.

One of the most famous cavalry charges was seen at the Battle of Xenyong, where the Nipponese cavalry charged straight into the Cathayan formations through a rain of crossbow bolts and steel tipped spears. Even though the Nipponese suffered horrible casualties, their unwavering morale managed to break the Cathayan formation, securing victory.


The absolute lowest ranking members of the Buke are Ashigaru, or career soldiers. Technically peasants, they possess far keener training than the average peasant or carpenter. While hardly comparable to Samurai by any stretch of the Imagination, Ashigaru are nonetheless skilled warriors in their own right.

Many Ashigaru have served their Samurai lords for generations, and conduct themselves with fierce pride and loyalty comparable in many respects to actual Samurai. Most houses have several families of hereditary Ashigaru, serving as guardsmen, Doshin (soldiers serving magistrates), and scouts during times of peace. The majority of most Nipponese armies are composed of Ashigaru. Unlike the levies of the Old World though, the Ashigaru are armed with high quality weapons and are well drilled for battle. Though they cannot equal the martial prowess of their Samurai masters, they are effective troops. Their preferred armament is the Yari spear, but they may also march into battle with the Yumi bow and the matchlock arquebus.

Ashigaru occasionally prove to be deadly when given sufficient direction and purpose by a competent leader. After all, arrows in sufficient numbers may maim or even kill the most highly trained, armed, and armoured Bushi before he gets close enough to even wound anybody. Even then, however, most Samurai look upon the Ashigaru as mere tools: as Tsuruchi Nobumoto says, “What we do is art. What peasants do is merely adequate.”

Warrior Monks

Monks occupy a tenuous position In Nippon’s social order. As a rule, they are not forthcoming about their past, and it is considered almost blasphemous to inquire. A monk has left his old life behind. The fact that some were peasants and others Samurai makes interacting with them difficult, as one never knows what station should be afforded a monk. Given the uncertainty of their position as religious figures, the honourable thing to do when interacting with a monk is to treat him with respect and admiration. This mindset is common to all but the most dishonourable Samurai.

While Samurai feel some uncertainty when interacting with monks, the peasants simply revere them. Monks are teachers as much as anything else and they treat all people equally. Also, many monasteries send their adherents into villages and towns to aid Heimin and Hinin with menial tasks. Monks represent the entirety of Nippon’s religion which is a surprisingly diverse, eclectic, and elaborate institution with three distinct facets. While an Imperial decree technically links two of these facets together, and the third is so widely accepted that none dispute it, the truth is that the three do not fit together particularly well. Generally speaking, the average individual, including monks, selects an aspect he finds most desirable and uses that as the basis of his devotion.

Deep in the inaccessible areas of Nippon lie the many mountain retreats of religious warrior monks. In these martial monasteries, monks not only study religious and academic texts, but also a variety of martial arts. The studying of martial arts is seen as a means to improve oneself mentally and spiritually, not just physically, and these monks show a skill and dedication that surpasses even the Samurai of the military aristocracy – and indeed many Samurai abandon their feudal lord to learn from these master monks. Warrior monks are the de facto private armies of the secluded monasteries, and are fundamentally similar in many respects to the religious Templar’s of the Old World.

They are more militant than holy, and receive very little religious instruction. Instead they are trained in the art of fighting. Warrior Monks defend their monastery against attacks and advance its political claims in the outside world. They are subject to the leader of their temple. They are often charged with defending their temples in times of conflict, but they can also expect to strike against enemy incursions, to hunt down evil monsters terrorizing the countryside, or to recover a relic that is sacred to their order. They welcome all challenges as tests of their prowess and, secondarily, their faith.

Warrior Monks mix martial prowess with divine power that grants them the ability to heighten their strength and speed in battle, and protection from mental and bodily harm. Very experienced Sohei can shrug off physical damage and ignore certain magical effects. Warrior monks live a life of strict discipline and obedience to their orders. Many join their orders as children, and become Sohei when they demonstrate strength of both body and mind that lends itself to the temple’s defence. Often, though, young men and women who show little promise for the contemplative life of the monk are the ones selected to become Sohei.


Nippon is inhabited by a people who feel bound to their land by a sacred ancient duty. The structure of society is rigid; and so too are Nipponese religious observances. In monasteries scattered across Nippon shaven-headed acolytes toll brazen bells over silent courtyards. A life of study and ritual under gingko trees and behind paper panels has gone unchanged for many, many long years.

The early history of the priesthood is lost in the mists of time. As far as the peasants are concerned, the moss grown roads of heavy stone leading to the temples of the gods have existed since time began. The people of Nippon know of their religion through hearsay and grandmothers’ tales; the monks keep a certain distance from all the rest of the Nipponese, especially the peasants. Some monks wander round and preach, going barefoot from town to town, or even overseas and are fairly universally respected.

Besides their ability to affect the gods themselves, and popular opinion and morale besides, the monks’ abilities as warriors encourage the Samurai clans to keep as many monasteries as possible on their side. Monks in the monasteries are principally scholars, but train bare fisted and barefooted. They can be called on to go into battle if lands near their monastery – or their monastery itself is threatened. More deadly, up in the mountains of Nippon various warrior sects known as Yamabushi train even more rigorously and more violently, slaying Oni in the blackest depths of the forests. Their rituals include walking across beds of red-hot coals, chanting while sitting under ice-cold waterfalls and hanging from their feet from the edges of cliffs. The peasantry and even the normal monks regard these men with great respect, and fear their supposedly magical abilities.

These hermits are like wandering lay-priests who live alone in secluded mountains. Those with a smattering of Nipponese might suppose that “Yamabushi” means “mountain warrior”, but in fact the second character is written differently and means “one who walks in the mountains”. He seeks mastery of certain arcane combat techniques and magic arts, the lore of herbs and nature, and ultimately satori, or Enlightenment, through the study of Zen.

These men and women trace the origin of their tradition as a militaristic religious order back to hermits who went up to the mountain regions in search of divine inspiration and supernatural powers. They are more tactically astute and combat trained than their generally non-martial brothers, but are no less stubborn in defence of their religion. Their training as warriors helps teach them the ways of discipline and control of the mind, and this is looked on well by the Daimyo classes and Shogunate – for differing reasons.

Battle Maidens

In Nippon, a woman’s caste – not her gender constitutes her position in the Celestial Order indeed any woman who so wishes may become a Samurai, earning the same rights and respect as their male counterparts. Battle Maidens are treated with the deference due a lady of their station, unless they are dressed and prepared for war. If a Battle Maiden is dressed in ‘mannish’ attire, she is referred to with her military title. Female Samurai are treated with the same respect as their male counterparts though they are typically expected to be softer-spoken and more lady like in most clans.

This varies from clan to clan, with some families being strictly matriarchal. Some have in fact higher standards for their Battle Maidens than they have for their men, an expectation of chastity and honour not held to many men in the Empire. One of the favourite stories of Nipponese poets is of the sister of a murdered Samurai who put on her brother’s armour and took up his sword to avenge him. “Hitomi’s Tale” has moved many young women to become Samurai, and has justified the act in the eyes of many Daimyos. The Samurai ritual of changing one’s name has brought many Battle Maidens female Samurai – to take the name “Hitomi” upon taking the Daisho.

One of the vows that some Battle Maiden take during their initiation ceremony is a vow of celibacy, as a Battle Maiden cannot he devoted to both a Daimyo and a lover or husband, after all. If a celibate Battle Maiden is found to have a lover, she often renounces her station and joins the ranks of a monastery. Of course, the key word is “discovered” There are many Battle Maidens who take lovers, and every poet’s repertoire has several stories of Samurai and Battle Maidens who doom themselves for love. Battle Maidens are treated as Samurai warriors in the Celestial Order. They are no different from male Samurai in that regard.

Battle Maidens are usually armed with the Naginata, a long pole arm that is tipped with a deadly curved sword-blade. They favour a defensive strategy over assault. Since they lack the physical strength of the men, they have instead become very proficient at holding their foes at bay with their Naginata until reinforcements can arrive and finish them off. Nipponese women are trained to defend their homes in times of war but few take part in open battle. Those who do though, quickly become legends.


The Yabusame are a special caste of Samurai that excel in the art of Kyudo archery. They train tirelessly daily to improve their skills while firing from galloping horseback, and hold great tournaments to find the greatest of their discipline. This is done by riding past three targets and shooting at them at high speed. They wear traditional hunting attires while doing so, both in tournaments and in battle, as a way of signifying their station as masters of the bow.

The Nipponese bow is asymmetric; far longer above the grip than below, to make it easy to use on horseback while retaining power. The bow can be swung from side to side without getting tangled up in saddle furniture. It has a composite of a wooden core, covered in layers of lacquered bamboo, making it strong yet flexible, capable of shooting a wide variety of arrows. Its beautiful simplicity disguises the fact that this was a weapon that required tremendous skill, strength and grace to use effectively.

With both hands occupied by aiming and firing a bow, these men must use their knees to control and steer their mounts. Nippon has a long tradition of mounted archery and these troops remain invaluable despite the introduction of gunpowder. Matchlocks may be powerful, but they are also unreliable and inaccurate, and the Ashigaru who use them simply lack the skills and mobility of mounted Samurai. These cavalry archers can quickly move to the flanks of an enemy, or harass the enemy at a distance before retreating away.

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Major Clans of Nippon

Ashikaga Clan

The Ashikaga have a long and proud history, claiming descent from the first Cathayan Emperor Chung I-Hsien, whose family travelled to Nippon long ago. Ashikaga Kunichika, the Daimyo, is certainly bold and brave enough to have imperial blood in his veins: he once jumped off a castle wall on a dare!

Regardless if whether or not their heritage is true, they certainly know how to act like nobility. The Ashikaga diplomats are among the most prominent at the Imperial Court, and have won many of their battles in the courtrooms rather than the battlefield.

They are the least openly warlike of the clans, and have made few open transgressions in the past, instead preferring to solve conflicts through diplomacy rather than open battle – their favourite method being of forging alliances with other ambitious clans to fight their battles for them!

That said, the Ashikaga are Samurai and do not shy away from a fight when faced with one. Although preferring to opt for defence over offence, they have perfected their skill with the bow over many years, becoming some say the best in Nippon.

The Ashikaga generally have a good standing with the other clans, if only due to their wise choice of words in meeting with them. If some would consider them cowardly due to their non-warlike manners and dislike for close combat, this would be an error of judgement. The way the Ashikaga see it, mind wins over matter, and theirs is the strongest by far.

Urichi Clan

The Uruchi clan was founded by Uruchi Tomomune when he was given control of Okakama by the first Shogun Mirumoto Nobunaga at the end of the 12th Century.

The clan steadily gained influence until recently, when fighting broke out within the clan over the issue of a marriage alliance with the Horumi. Uruchi Harumune quarrelled violently with his own father, Tanemune, over plans to marry off his younger brother: a large number of the Uruchi retainers and warriors agreed with Harumune and the old man was removed.

The Uruchi are known for their aggressive behaviour, both towards other clans and members of their own. They respect only strength and bravery in battle, and look down upon the other clans whom they consider weaker. The Uruchi have often been at the forefront of many conflicts, and have probably been the catalyst for more conflicts in Nippon than any other clan.

Other clans consider the Uruchi rather barbaric in their ways and mostly stay away from them if possible. Uruchi warriors have fierce and unforgiving natures. Their foes learn this on the battlefield, shortly before they die. They favour the no-dachi sword – which they swing with reckless abandon, barely being slowed down despite the length of the blade. They are rather famous for their Sumo wrestlers and have the largest Sumo dojo in all of Nippon.

Shinzei Clan

The Shinzei reside in Haikido in the north of Nippon, a place where few men dare travel. Despite the large amount of Daemons, Beastmen and undead dwelling there, the Shinzei have kept their old realm for themselves. Residing high up in the mountains, their fortresses are virtually impenetrable to attack, and thus they have been able to survive any serious attacks from the island’s fell inhabitants.

Indeed, Haikido’s foul reputation is even beneficial to the Shinzei, who have their secrets to keep. They developed a school of martial arts, the Ninjutsu, which combined martial arts, assassination techniques and unconventional warfare tactics. They used their Ninjutsu to keep their independence, and to make themselves wealthy as swords-for-hire to the other clans, for there are no greater Ninja than those of the Shinzei clan. The tradition of independence, however, has remained strong among the Shinzei.

Ninjutsu remains a dark art, passed down through families and jealously guarded from out-siders eyes. It is not surprising, then, that their ninja also have more expertise, both on and off the battlefield. The exception to this has been their ancient trade agreement with the Skaven, whom they taught the art of Ninjutsu in return for refined warpstone they could use to increase the potency of their poisons.

The Shinzei are generally distrusted by the other clans, both due to their residence and their reputation for assassinating those who would seek to oppose them.

Batake Clan

The Batake began their rise to power modestly enough on the Kanto plain, taking advantage of civil war and the troubles of others to establish themselves.

Takamura Shinkuro, a powerful official in the Shogunate, founded the clan, but it was his son who adopted the name Batake.

The Batake control the coast north of Tokaguchi, where they often battle against the Wako Pirates who pursue their raids against the region. Their fortresses are the steadiest in Nippon and one of the reasons so few have ever tried to invade their lands. Some say the Batake castles protecting their borders the only reason the Uruchi clan has not tried to invade anyone during the past ten years.

The Batake are considered rather haughty and arrogant by the other clans, for they consider themselves the future of the Nippon whose technology will outlast the traditions of old. They spend most of their time researching new technology, developing their engines of war and iron industry, and have access to far more gunpowder than any other clan.

The Batake are the greatest builders in Nippon and produce better siege weapons than any other clan. On the battlefield, they use their war machines to rain death on their foes from afar before engaging them in combat to mop up the remaining forces. Though this might seem dishonourable, the Batake have garnered great successes using this tactic, and are confident it will one day win them the Shogunate of Nippon.

Mushagi Clan

From his castle in Hydo, Mushagi Nobuhide commands a clan with a formidable reputation. The Mushagi are rightly respected for their skills as inspiring battlefield commanders of Ashigaru.

Originally retainers of the Hita clan, the Mushagi grew as the Hita faded, but this only led to decades of strife within the family for supremacy.

Eventually, a branch of the family came to prominence and eventually changed the clan name to Mushagi, a respectful acknowledgement of their ancestor of the same name. The Mushagi are looked favourably upon by the common people, for their samurai almost treat the lowborn as equals. Well, at least as equal as they could be without lowering their standards in the Celestial Order anyway!

The other clans can certainly respect the forces at the Mushagi’s command, for theirs is the largest armies in Nippon, though some also consider them “peasant lovers” behind their backs, thinking they let the simple Ashigaru bask in the same glory as the samurai on the field on battle. That said, the Mushagi Ashigaru are the most well drilled in Nippon, who fight on against great odds out of devotion for their commanders.

Daimatzu Clan

The Daimatzu are a proud clan, with a long history worthy of their pride. To the Daimatzu, loyalty is everything, and their generals are less likely to develop ambitions of their own. Failure to adhere to the bushido code is much more strongly looked down upon than by any other clan, and for this reason, more Ronin can be found originating from Daimatzu lands than anywhere else.

The clan can trace its ancestry back to Mirumoto Nobunaga, the founder and first shogun of Nippon. In 1187, Nobunaga appointed his son, Tadahisa, as military governor of northern Honshu. The young man took the name of Daimatzu in Sumata province, his seat of government, as his own. Thanks to a well organised army and administration, abundant local resources, and a certain distance between Nagashige and the Imperial court, the Daimatzu clan became rich and powerful.

The Daimatzu considers themselves the most honourable of the clans, and they adhere to the strict traditions of old more than anyone else. They have a strong dislike for trade outside Nippon, and generally shun the use of gunpowder and missile weapons, instead favouring the use of the katana above any other weapon. Their samurai are among the most skilled in Nippon, and they are great duellers and wielders of the blade. The best swords in Nippon are made by Daimatzu sword-smiths, for which the clan are famous for and earn much of their income from.

Other clans usually respect the Daimatzu for their dedication to the way of the sword, though their behaviour border on being arrogant towards those who think Nippon needs to advance technologically to survive in the future.

Taneka Clan

Taneka warlords have ruled their home province, since the 12th Century, but they have known little peace.

Clan infighting, a long series of struggles against repeated invasions and wars against the Batake and Mushagi clans, saw to that. They have, however, mastered diplomacy as well as horses, and have achieved peace on occasions.

The Taneka Clans reside on the many fertile plains of the region, where their many horses can wander freely and graze to their hearts content. The Taneka take great pride in their horses, which is their most valuable possession. Originally imported from the steppe nomads of Cathay long ago, the Taneka horses are the finest steeds in Nippon, able to outpace any others if pressed.

It is hardly surprising then, that the Taneka have built most of their armies around cavalry, of which they are widely famous for. No other clan can match them in speed and ferocity, and the Taneka’s ambitious nature has resulted in many attempted expansions into other clan territories.

The other clans respect the Taneka’s strength and courage, but do consider them rather too impetuous for their own good. Still, the Taneka possesses a fair number of skilled diplomats which has helped in quelling open conflict on more than one occasion, for the benefit of all.

Horumi Clan

The Horumi are proud of their faith. Despite this religious solidarity, the history of the Horumi is not tranquil. The current Horumi leaders were originally the Nagado clan, and were vassals to the Horumi clan, who fought against themselves in a bitter dispute.

Weakened by a war with the Mushagi, the Horumi were forced to seek help from the Nagado lord, Kagetora. His help included adopting the name of Horumi, and taking control of the whole Horumi clan!

He was an adherent follower the war god, and took religious vows that his descendants have followed ever since. The Horumi are known for their piety and religious devotion, and have far more Warrior Monks in their armies than any other clan. Hardly surprising though, since their lands are high up in the Kanto Sanchi Mountains, home of many monasteries and wandering Yamabushi. Their faith is reflected in the magic they wield too, for their Shugenja are the most adept wielders of the five elemental magic’s in Nippon.

While the other clans have no official qualms about the Horumi, many see them as zealots who are best avoided if possible, while others admire their strong dedication to their religion. To the Horumi, all others are basically heathens, who should all bow down to the might of the Kami and their heavenly guidance.

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Land of Nippon

Diverse Geography

Nippon is a land of diverse geography, ranging from open plains and fertile farmlands to rugged Mountains and sub-tropical islands. For the most part, the climate is temperate, with a long and fairly warm summer but a surprisingly bitter winter – all of Nippon experiences significant snowfall during the winter months, and travel slows to a crawl during that time.

Nippon consists of two islands situated 300 miles, at the closest point, off the east coast of Cathay. A backbone of mountains lies in the centre of the main island, Honshu, where some active volcanoes still remain to belch poisonous gases and burning lava. Within the natural boundaries created by river, hill and mountain, are many semi-autonomous provinces and castles ruled by the Daimyo.

Pride of place in Nippon is the province of the Shogun, the military dictator of all Nippon. His province is the most productive and the largest fief in the kingdom. On its borders lies the provinces of the martial governors who are tied to the Shogun through blood and/or oath and these are known as the exalted-Daimyo. Further still from the provinces of the Exalted-Daimyo come the provinces of the outer-Daimyo; warlords the Shogun would rather have as far away from him as possible, or those who are of little use to him. This is established through a census of each lord’s wealth; the wealthier Daimyo near to the Shogun and the less wealthy, or those with small armies, as far away as possible from him.

Nippon is rich in natural resources. There are many rivers and streams, with plentiful supplies of fish, large forested areas – much of Nippon is heavily forested, providing ample wood for construction and burning and mountainous regions rich in precious minerals. The land can be roughly divided into three geographical regions: forests, mountains and hills. The forests of Nippon contain a wide variety of trees because of varying zones of temperature.

Western and southern Honshu is home of broad-leaved evergreen forests; characteristic trees are shii and kasha – both a type of oak. Northern Honshu and southern Haikido are home to beech trees because of the relatively cool temperature. Central and northern Haikido are home to pine trees because of the much colder climate. Not surprisingly the people stay clear of the forests preferring instead to stick to their settlements for protection against bandits and rampaging Beastmen; the latter are more common in the cooler regions of northern Honshu and Haikido, where they are many.

The mountains are largely in the central spine of the main island of Honshu and the centre of the island of Haikido. They are largely uninhabited by Nipponese however there are many isolated communities of Yamabushi and temples and shrines to the Nippon pantheon. There are also many empty temples and auxiliary castles that have, as yet, not been reclaimed due to the inevitable impracticalities of traversing through the treacherous mountains. However, many Daimyo, due probably to their own failed attempts, have dismissed the notion of trying to reclaim any lost temples and castles. Aside from the unnatural dangers of Beastmen and bandits there is also the danger of occasional volcanic eruptions and the odd earthquake.

These natural occurrences also unwittingly serve to protect some of the most unwholesome creatures who lurk in the mountains. Mount Fuji is the most sacred of mountains in Nippon; it rises to over 14,000 feet and is surrounded by the nature god’s sanctuaries. Many make pilgrimages to see Mount Fuji and to climb her, though women are not allowed to do the latter. It lies in the stretch of mountains known as Kanto-Sanchi that travel 400 miles down the centre of the island. Some peasants claim to have seen the ancient Kirin galloping across the heavens of Mount Fuji. Isolated temples to the gods lie in these mountains.

The mountains aren’t without their dangers, Chaos creatures, there since the Incursions of Chaos; sometimes enter the lowlands and attack villages and even the mountain temples should it be a particularly large monster. The hills are physically less dangerous to traverse than the mountains but can still be, nevertheless, awkward due to bandits and Beastmen. Dangerous regions of hills are known as ‘Hill Country’ to most, which is a broad ring of hills surrounding the main mountain spine of Kanto-Sanchi in the centre of Honshu. The hills of Haikido are similarly known.

The Kanto-Sanchi Mountains and hills dominate the main area of the island of Honshu. Its southern peaks overlook the wealthy provinces of the Shogun and the Exalted-Daimyo. The most mountainous areas lies in the centre and further away the mountains merge into Hill Country. Close to the origin of several rivers, and the sites of dormant volcanoes, there are areas of boiling water and calcified tubes, which intermittently spew forth jets of the bubbling liquid.

The region of hills surrounding the Kanto-Sanchi Mountains is commonly known as Hill Country. While some parts of it are picturesque and peaceful, combining luscious forests with volcanic ash, there are as many parts that are deadly to any unprepared travellers and perilous even to larger groups. Beastmen and bandits are known to lurk in this region and safe passage through can only be guaranteed in very large numbers.


There are many rivers and streams throughout Nippon. Major waterways are maintained and guarded by gatekeepers and garrisons of soldiers. This means that such rivers can be easily fished by local farmers who may go about their business without fear of attacks from bandits, although they too often find their cargoes confiscated by ruthless gate-wardens to supplement their own greed.

The Ekawasaki is one of the longest rivers in Nippon, it runs through Kyoto, and passes across the northern boundary of Akita, after which it finishes its journey when it meets lake Kiri-Ko high in the Kanto-Sanchi Mountains. The major river crossing is guarded by an auxiliary fort and a small garrison of troops, ever vigilant for any signs of trouble that could endanger the bridge. Anyone is allowed to cross the bridge as long as they can pay the toll.

The Moruto flows along the northern boundaries of Yoshida province. Its spring lies deep within the Kanto-Sanchi Mountains where its flow joins the River Sakuma as it forks westwards into the bay of Kumayama-Wan. The Hita forms the northern boundary of Izumo province and the southern one of Munoguchi province. It provides, like so many of the waterways of Nippon, vital irrigation for the many rice paddies along the river’s route.

The Komato runs down from the north out of Munoguchi-Wan, almost symmetrical to the Yodo. The Yodo serves as the southern boundary for Munoguchi province. It is one of the largest rivers in Nippon and flows some way through Hill Country before it abruptly ceases at the Ikawa spring. Close to this spring is the Nakano Geyser. The Onachi River flows through the Okakama forest and separates the provinces of Wakakawa and Yamakama at the western most region of Nippon. The rivers contain an abundance of fish but also freshwater shark and the odd sea snake.


Much of Nippon is covered in forest with trees ranging from broad-leaved evergreen to beech and pine. People, usually peasants, tend to steer clear of the forests, not because they can be dangerous, but because they believe that the animals that live there have supernatural powers, such as the raccoon-dog and the red fox especially. This is why only the Buke tend to hunt and the peasants stick to catching fish and growing rice.

The Okakama Forest occupies the northern region of Wakakawa province and practically fills up the entirety of Yamakama province to the east. The River Onachi flows through it on its western side and continues its journey until it reaches the Hida-Sanchi Mountains. The Okakama is dominated by evergreen trees and is inhabited by the Nipponese macaque and copper pheasant as well as the giant salamander and dragonfly.

The Yamanashi Forest smothers much of Yamanashi province with a mixture of evergreen and deciduous trees. Where the forest meets the southern slopes of Kanto-Sanchi, pine trees grow. The Kumayama Forest is one of the largest forests in Nippon. It is also a mixture of evergreen and deciduous; the latter dominates the mountain and hill regions of the northern half of the forest. One of Nippon’s major highways passes through this forest, but just because it lies within the Shogun’s province – does not mean it is safe. Due to the fact that many nobles this major highway to travel to and fro between the capital to Izumo, bandits lurk in the trees ready to pounce upon any travellers they deem as ‘rich pickings’. Only Daimyo, with the escort of armed retainers, can pass through this area safely – there is only so much that the gate-wardens can achieve on the Moon Highway.

The Forest of Haikido is however surely the most dangerous in all of the lands of Nippon, this forest is a mixture of pine and cedar variety and in its depths lurk foul Beastmen, Chaos mutants and some of the most vicious warbands of cut-throats in all of Nippon, clearly in league with the ruinous Chaos powers. There also remain in the forest isolated communities of the Ainu who, with their unsurpassed knowledge of the woods and its secret ways, can survive adequately enough against these unnatural threats. They do not greet trespassers – whether fair or foul, with much warmth. Aside from the unnatural threats there is also the unnerving presence of the great Haikido brown bear which can grow to a height of fifteen feet and is easily angered if it is provoked to contend with.

Cities & Towns

The towns and cities are sited close to the Shogun’s own province. The further a traveller strays from the capital the more scattered the towns are, as wealth concentrates in and around the Shogun’s province and the provinces of the high born families. Riots and dissent are not wholly uncommon in the township and city streets, though they are pitilessly subdued. In the cities, and large towns, the civilian population has developed several professional classes which consist primarily of a number of ruling landlords, wealthy wholesalers, and moneylenders, who lord over the various guilds and corporations of merchants, craftsmen, tenant-farmers, and servants in near-slavery.

At the bottom of this social stratification are the entertainers, porters, foreigners, the destitute, and, below even these groups and outside society, the unmentionable outcasts.


The Kamato region is the spiritual birthplace of Nippon, where the first Emperor ruled thousands of years ago. The very first settlers of Honshu came to this region and it is believed that Osaka was one of the first true settlements.

Osaka is a prosperous city and has, arguably, the finest centres of education in the whole of Nippon. The fortified mansions of the great lords lie perched upon steep hills where, it is said, that the occupants keep an eye on the citizens, for the Shogun’s Bakufu or government have residences here. The Imperial Palace of Osaka itself lies in a flat basin. Surrounding it are hills where garrisons of the Shogun’s troops are stationed. The Emperor’s palace is garrisoned mostly by the Shogun’s troops but some of the Emperor’s own household also help to guard its halls and picturesque garden paths.

Osaka Castle is home to the Emperor and is the capital of Nippon; it is the largest of the castles of Nippon whose tall pagoda topped towers can be seen for miles. The battlements are patrolled day and night by the Emperor’s guard. At regular intervals, the battlements are fixed with bolt throwers and the odd cannon. The many keeps in Osaka are home to the Great Guard, the most elite Samurai in the entire realm. These soldiers accompany the Emperor to places all over Nippon.

Underneath the castle are the labyrinths that contain many terrible and deadly traps along with equally dangerous monsters and confusing illusions. This is the final training ground for the Emperor’s Ninja assassins who train in secret Dojo’s throughout Kamato. Only the greatest of the Ninja come out of the labyrinths all in one piece, only then is he given the honour of a mission. Surrounding the great castle is a bustling population of 15 000, the largest single population in Nippon.


To the east of the Kanto-Yoshida Mountains lies the region of Edo. The entire western half of the region is nothing but volcanic ash. Centuries ago Edo was the seat of the Emperor, but now the Shogun resides here in the castle of Kyoto. Kyoto is the second largest castle in Nippon and is almost as impressive as Osaka; after all it was the residence of the Emperor in centuries gone by.

Castle Kyoto lies atop a series of steep hills built in the traditional Nipponese way whereby if one part of the castle is lost it can be closed off relatively easily thereby keeping the invaders away from the rest of the castle. Even then, surrounding this area is a series of moats and trenches stretching some nine miles in length. The inner most moat is one and a half miles long, and their scarps are built up with colossal blocks of granite. Even the gardens within these walls, with all their sophisticated elegance, cannot conceal the military nature of the roads and paths leading to the central buildings. They constitute a labyrinth whose very pattern is a closely guarded secret, and they pass beneath bridges and are, in many places, lined with bastions in such a way as to expose any unwanted guests, regardless of their number, to a concentrated attack with bows and arrows, crossbows, or more recently – firearms.

The Shogun’s castle is more like a veritable city itself with mansions, to accommodate the Daimyo, plus residences for the hatamoto and the gokenin, covering its 180 acres.


Hyodo is the hold of the Mushagi Clan, and one of the greatest cities in Nippon. From here rules Daimyo Mushagi Nobuhide, who can often be seen standing watch personally at his castle walls, overlooking the busy nature of the city.

Less than six centuries ago Hyodo was nothing but a port-city but ever since the rise of the Shogun, and being wealthier than all other cities in Nippon through maritime trade, it has grown in power and eminence. Now, through a series of long and bloody civil wars, From Hyodo the famous Three Roads branch out for hundreds of miles until they greet the city of Tokaido, to the west, Kumano, to the north (continuing to Osaka), and lastly Kyoto, to the east. The road to the west travels through the Celestial Portal, the road to Kumano travels through the Wagtail Portal, and the road to Izumo travels through the Moon Portal.

The chief trading port in Nippon, it boasts a mile long wharf from which a multitude of junks sail every day to other Nipponese ports and beyond. The port of Hyodo-Wan is a hive of activity, especially when a Black Ship comes (any merchant ship not of Nipponese or Cathayan origin), when there are boats to be unloaded of their cargo and then taken to the city.


This is another port-city similar to the country’s capital of Kyoto some four-hundred or so miles to the east, where one of the Three Roads ends. It lies in Yoshida province at the top of the gulf of Tokaido-Wan. From the castle of Tokaido, rules the Daimyo Taneka Shengin, a distant cousin of Shogun Yoritomo Ieyasu.

Travellers to Tokaido almost always enter through the east gate (known more commonly as the Shark Portal) although many, mainly fishermen – Tokaido has a thriving fishing community – will enter through Tokaido-Wan. Fishermen from Tokaido often fish in the warmer waters of Ishiguchi-Nada and bring back plentiful stocks of shark. Nothing is wasted as the fins and teeth are used as well as sharkskin, which is used for some items of footwear and armour. The island off the coast of Yoshida, Mikura-Jima, is a place of thriving fishing villages. However, it is not an independent province and is part of Yoshida itself.

The best horses in the empire come from the region’s ranches, with a large part of them being sold to the Shogunate armies. In part because of the city’s association with the nation’s military, canny farmers along the Moruto River have turned much of their rice crop over to the production of sake.


Closest to the Nippon capital is the city of Kumano. It lies in a horseshoe of hills and has an impressive landscape of mountains at its north-easterly point.

Furthermore it lies close to a plain of volcano ash and the north Road passes directly through it. Many are the times one can see the sulphurous gases rising from the ash dunes. Kumano rose from a prospecting camp back in the midst of time. It has suffered many natural mishaps in the past, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and has been rebuilt many times. So far, for a century and a half, the nearby volcano of Shirani-San has remained dormant, only reminding the inhabitants of Akita province of its power by minor eruptions every decade or so.

The ruler of Kumano and Akita province, of which the city lies in, is the Daimyo Horumi Kenshin. Some years ago Nobunaga was but a mere warlord of a castle in some desolate region of the province until he saved the Shogun’s life in an assassination attempt. For his act of valour, courage and, above all, loyalty to the Shogunate, Nobunaga was made an Daimyo and given Castle Kumano as a reward. This did not prove to be a problem for the then present Daimyo as he died seven days before the assassination attempt on the Shogun from a wasting disease contracted while on a hunt in Hill Country. Kenshin accepted the reward and made the former servants of the late Daimyo lords in their own right.

Kumano is a walled city and the old castle of Kumano itself can be seen rising from its centre. Travellers can only enter from the southern gate (the Phoenix Portal) and the northern gate (Dragon Portal) from Kyoto.


Lying along the River Hita is the city of Izumo, the realm of the Daimyo Ashikaga Kunichika. The city thrives on trade from the other major ports of Nippon, including Hyudo itself and even faraway Okakama.

The extensive mudflats here form several small islands. The farmers have exploited these in the form of dozens of rice paddies. Where the earth is firmer is the castle of Izumo itself, just a little way up the river and away from the extensive rice paddies of the Ekawasaki delta. The river passes through the town’s wards and onwards to lake Kiri-Ko. It is possible for ocean-going vessels to traverse the waters of the delta, through Izumo, and then a little further up the River Ekawasaki. However, rarely do they travel more than fifty or so miles away from Izumo. Typically, goods are bought and sold at the city and the ships depart just as swiftly as they arrived. Then there is the danger of fog. In the winter and spring, at times, thick fog gathers enveloping the entire delta in pea soup making it next to impossible for anyone, who doesn’t know the area well, to leave.

Sometimes this fog moves until it threatens even the little island of Taran-Jima in the Izumo-Wan. Even without the fog, wrecks on this island are not uncommon, especially when there are dangerous reefs to avoid on the approach to the Izumo-Wan. The granary of Nippon, Izumo’s countryside hosts the most productive rice paddies in the empire. The city itself has seen the coming and going of thousands of Tian immigrants, recruited to work as farmhands in the rich estates of the local feudal lords.


Tokaguchi is the seat of the Batake Clan, led by the enigmatic Batake Ujimasa. A large fortress city, built on a favourable landing on an otherwise treacherous coast, the concentric terraces of Tokaguchi climb the hills that overlook the narrow shoreline.

The lowest terraces lean on the ruins of a stone fortress built millennia ago, whose ancient stone walls—adorned with reliefs of ancient warriors—are almost completely hidden by modern structures. Tokaguchi is famous for trading in silver and pearls. Silver is extracted in the nearby Kanto Sachi Mountains, where several fortresses protect the mines from bandits and evil humanoids. Pearls are fished along the entire north-western coast, where an abundance of coral reefs and natural lagoons favour the growth of oysters and conches.

Tokaguchi grew rich on the copper-mining activity in the hills south of town and the manufacture of bronze objects, which are exported to Kasai together with the raw material needed for the empire’s coinage. With frightening unpredictability and varying organization, Wako Pirates attack ships as they leave Tokaguchi’s port, dragging metal goods and sailors alike back to their hidden ports. In response, the city’s harbour patrol has grown into a veritable navy, captained by daring Samurai and their students, who train endlessly with a variety of pole arms.


Located in the subtropical west, Okakama is one of the major towns in the region and lies within Wakakawa province of which it is its capital. The ruler is Daimyo Uruchi Harumune. His castle lies three miles away from the coast and can only be reached by walking along the River Path, which is basically a pavement of stone slabs meandering this way and that until it reaches the gates of Castle Okakama itself. The River Path runs through a humid forest of evergreen trees which is inhabited by a large population of macaques.

They are no threat to people but they have been known to steal food from unwary travellers. The warm waters of Okakama-Wan are home to coral fish, turtles, sea snakes, dugong – black finless porpoise, horseshoe crabs, giant spider crab, and the frilled shark. It is a common sight to see peasants in small boats catching many of these aquatic creatures in their nets and taking them to market to trade. The town of Okakama itself is basically a collection of villages along the coast of Okakama-Wan. However, the town is still separated into wards with gate-keepers stationed at appropriately placed intersections.


Sumata is a wealthy province on the northern end of Honshu. Home to the Daimatzu clan, it has a long and impressive sword-smithing tradition. Its remote location and good trading links make it a good place for foreign trade.

Travellers usually come and go by ship to the well protected harbour or along the road from Osaka. They are always checked by gate-wardens along the route and any discrepancies, such as the absence of a sekisho (pass), are usually dealt with harshly. Once inside the city, the traveller is met by small patrols of Doshin (police) and segregated town wards. At night the wards are closed off by gates and anyone walking around after dark is arrested and detained.

During the day Nagashige is quite pleasant with farmers selling their rice at the markets and artisans openly forging weapons in the streets. There is a strong otokodate presence in many of Nagashige’s wards, which is why the people here are seldom bothered too much by the Doshin although at night this changes quite starkly. The prosperity of Nagashige is mirrored by its culture.

Besides rich shrines and temples, the town boasts a refined entertainment district that is famous for both its teahouses and theatres, which are second only to those in Kasai. The high standard of living of the town’s middle class, coupled with the somewhat lenient attitude of its governor, has allowed the yakuza to thrive in most of their traditional activities, especially gambling. The openness and appeal of these games have become something of an attraction for visitors, lending the city’s single yakuza group a measure of legitimacy not found elsewhere in the country.


This is the major town of Haikido and lies within Toyakita province. It is ruled by Daimyo Shinzei Watanabe from Castle Kiroshima. The castle itself lies upon a mountain of pine forests and steep ravines. At the foot of one of these lies the town of Kiroshima.

Like so many towns in Haikido, it is protected by a perimeter ditch filled with water and sharp stakes. The reason being is that there are more mutants and Beastmen in Haikido than can be found in most of the dangerous parts of the main island of Honshu. Perhaps it is because of Haikido’s cold climate that so many Beastmen lurk in its pine forests, safe in the fact that the sparse human population will not venture far from their settlements because of the inclement, cold weather.

Outside Kiroshima, the risk of being prey to the many foul creatures that inherit Haikido grows considerably larger. For this reason, not many people understand how the Shinzei can manage to survive like they have all these years, for few are the merchants who dare travelling there for trade. No wonder then, they are known as the most secretive clan in Nippon.


Haikido is a large island to the north of Honshu. It is a place shunned by many of the inhabitants of Nippon. The island is situated just to the north of Honshu and seems to be a focal point for Dark Magic. Mutants roam the forests and hills and ghouls haunt the cemeteries. Undead creatures have also been seen in places. It is not unknown for the despicable beings from Haikido to raid the other parts of Nippon. Not surprisingly there is no law here, it was destroyed in the Incursions of Chaos of 2300 IC.

Haikido is a place where even criminals on the run dare not venture to, although the most determined will try their luck here. Some of these criminals will become Champions of Chaos and lead bands of Beastmen against the small coastal settlements of Honshu. The terrible Black Samurai are seated in the decaying castles of the once proud island, waiting for the time when they shall conquer Nippon and create a kingdom of darkness.


The landscape of Nippon is dotted with castles and fortifications of every possible size and style, which the provincial warlords have erected wherever it is feasible to station garrisons of warriors. Every strategic site, which affords a superior defence against armed attack and an optimum position for controlling the movements of people and goods, have been well fortified. Castles have been erected at the top of a small mountain, or on the hill between a mountain and a plain, as well as the plain itself. Military clans have constructed castles and established garrisons in major towns, near important temples and shrines, at highway intersections and markets, near ports and sea inlets, etc., thus forming that typical balance between military protection and exploitation on one side and commercial productivity on the other, which is the salient characteristic of the medieval Nipponese castle-towns which actually sprung up around a feudal lords manor.

In structure, the Nipponese castle has evolved into a sophisticated and practically impregnable fortress. It was generally designed as a series of concentric compounds isolated from each other by ramparts, moats, or walls and comprised such an intricate network of courts and passages that if one compound were lost to an invader, it could be recaptured from either side or totally cut off without substantially weakening the defensive strengths of the other compounds. The approaches to its fortified perimeters are protected by excavations filled with water, by ditches, by swamps, or by a combination of all three.

Water-filled moats are considered to be the best form of protection. Earthen walls or stone walls rise massively from the first defensive line, offering only two major openings – the heavily fortified main gate and the equally strong but smaller rear gate, both usually constructed of large timbers, plated with copper or iron, and densely studded with large nails. The passages within, linking one courtyard to another and each compound to the next, are usually designed in such fashion as to lead through cleverly arranged double gates in which one gate is set at right angles to the second, allowing room enough between them to contain (and control from the sides and from above) only a certain number of people – which is usually considered to be a maximum of 240 warriors or 40 cavalrymen, and never more.

The castle compounds are generally composed of three units: the main section in the centre, surrounded by the second section, and then the third section of fortifications, containing respectively the main tower and residences of the warlords, the storerooms, and the living quarters of the garrison. All of these are elongated structures integrated into massive walls, with doors and passageways on the inner side and openings on the outer. The openings are of different sizes and angles according to the weapons employed to repel an invader at that point. Rectangular openings for arrows, circular, triangular, or square for guns, and, for those that have them, for cannons, among other chute-like ducts, trapdoors which open wide to send huge stones crashing down upon the heads of foes beneath.

Towers rise from these compounds. They consist of structures containing three or more levels, heavily fortified, with the uppermost functioning primarily as an observation post, or, in times of peace, as a spot for contemplating the moon or performing ritual suicide, depending on the circumstances. These towers are located at the most strategic point: on the outer compounds, towards the northern and the western sides of the horizon; at the corners of the compounds; in the centre, where they are given poetic names of “guardian of the sky”, or, more prosaically, the “keep”, because this point represents the final defensive position against invading forces.

Auxiliary Castles

Some of the mightiest clans maintain a vast network of supporting fortress, smaller outposts or auxiliary castles. These are constructed to form a wide, defensive line that encircles and protects the boundary line of a provincial domain and its base castle. These auxiliary castles can be found in the most unexpected of places and are generally identified by their primary purpose, such as boundary surveillance, watch-post, communication, and attack. Encased in this vast network of fortifications, lorded over by fiercely independent clans of warriors, the larger masses of commoners are, for all intents and purposes, effectively imprisoned.

Auxiliary castles, little more than military outposts, are not immune to attack. Many have been destroyed by Goblinoid or Chaos warbands, or rival clans who have then subsequently taken the outpost for themselves and absorbed it into their territory. The most vulnerable outposts are those constructed in the mountains where they sometimes come under attack from Goblinoid tribes or Chaos Beastmen.


Villages are many in Nippon as the majority of the Heimin live outside towns and cities. They are clansmen, in a way that most Nipponese are, with the exception of the outcasts and Ronin. When there is war the provincial Daimyo will muster his forces from his villages.

Villages are very important to the ruling clans because they invariably grow rice and in Nippon – he who controls rice will have power; rice is still often used as money. So a province with many, many rice fields within its boundaries is in an advantageous position because the whole of the Nippon economy rests upon the production and distribution of rice.

Heading a village will be a district elder or village elder, just as in Old World hierarchy. They are comparative in rank to the lower ranks of the Buke and their heirs are even allowed an education, which most of the Heimin are denied, and are permitted to carry swords. A typical village has a population of 1000 inhabitants and will also have a mix of artisans and traders, though the latter will almost always be found in towns or cities.


The main land routes linking the cities of the Exalted Families with Hyudo are known as the ‘Three Roads’. These are highways, together with some of the most important roads that lead to city-ports, which are under particular surveillance and inspection. Strategically placed along these routes are minor outposts where special inspectors, with the protection of many warriors, check every traveller.

The traveller must be able to produce his or her pass called a ‘sekisho’, which is issued by their superiors in the clan. The sekisho is basically a piece of paper that gives the character’s position in society, i.e. a craftsman, merchant etc., and his or her physical description. If they match the character in question then he or she can continue with their journey. If there are any discrepancies then the character will be detained until the character can explain him-self satisfactorily to the local authorities.

The Shogun’s province and the provinces of the Great Clans, use this method of strict surveillance to keep movement in their territories regulated. The minor Daimyo may or may not employ these methods, as it is impossible for even the Shogun to know, even with his complex network of spies, what they are doing within their territories.

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Nippon – Main Islands

Geographical Map of Nippon

Geographical Map of Nippon

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